Intensive and productive, all Corvalis’ workshops provide processes, methods and tools which attendees apply immediately to their own real-life cases. They ensure a maximized return on investment for both attendees and their company:
![]() and can be delivered in English or in Parisian French
Four workshops to lead large organizations to decide in your favor
and to become their preferred supplier None of the four workshops below addresses sales meetings or negotiation techniques. They provide strategies and Business Intelligence tools directly applicable in the field. They will dramatically change your standpoint about large account sales issues and about your approach to gaining more efficiency
Four workshops to develop highly efficient team leaders capable of
involving people into change rapidly The workshops below employ: The team efficiency and team leadership TMS model (C. Margerison, D. Mc Cann) - Emotional Intelligence At Work (R. Boyatzis, D. Goleman) - NLP (R. Bandler, J. Grinder) - Transactional Analysis (E. Berne) - Non-Violent Communication (M. Rosenberg)
Your in-company advanced workshop
At your request, Corvalis can design an advanced workshop addressing your specific context, objectives and issues |
Tel. Canada : + 1 250 763 4979 - Tel. France : + 33 6 11 42 90 55 - info@corvalis.com | © Corvalis 2002 - 2025 |